My Dog, Dash

I love my dog Dash. But, when it comes to barking at nothing… Not so much. He has golden fluffy fur and he’s very hyper. He wants to play all the time. For instance, when I’m doing my homework, he brings his red, rubber bone and drops it on my lap. Another way he interrupts me when I’m doing my homework is by barking and believe me, it’s impossible to ignore. His bark is really loud and when he starts you can’t stop him from barking.

Even though I think his bark is really annoying, I feel bad for him. Everyone in my house is busy so we don’t really have time to play with him. We also have another dog named Harry, a Great Dane who sings to the piano and the drums. Everyone loves him. Only few people notice Dash. So when my mom says she’ll take Harry to the store, my dad and I say just take Dash. I even have suggested we take him to Zilker Park because Harry always goes to different places.

I love my dog Dash, even though his bark is really, REALLY, annoying.

4 thoughts on “My Dog, Dash

  1. We have a dog named Teddy who also has an annoying, persistent habit of barking until SOMEONE pays attention to his every whim! It’s as though he is insisting we respond to his attempts at conversation. He’s a Westie, or West Highland Terrier.

    Great job showing your dog’s personality!

  2. Dash and Harry sound adorable. I have I dog and her name is Molly, is really quiet though. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Come visit my blog!

  3. I have a dog to. Her name is Callie. I bet she is more of a challenge to handle thatn your Dash. But don’t get me wrong, Dash seems pretty challanging!!!

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