No homework, nothing to worry about, and I can always have friends over. Well, almost always. Summer time is enjoyable.
One of my favorite things to do is go on vacations. I have gone to New York, Canada,The Galapagos Islands, Panama, Vermont, and Maine. There are always a ton of activities to do. For example: fishing, swimming in an ice cold lake (in Maine), hiking, and play video games in the hotel. I also see family that I only get to visit on special occasions. I see 2nd cousins, grandparents, great uncles and aunts and the other 50 people that I have never met before.
My other reason why summer time is enjoyable is I get to hang out with my friends more often than when I’m in school. There’s pretty much no limit to how many friends I can invite over. We swim in my pool, pass around the football, and play video games. I have a lot of fun when my friends come over.
There are tons of reasons why summer time is enjoyable. The reasons that I stated are just a small portion of all the reasons why summer time is amazing. I think most people would agree with me when I say summer time is fun.